Starting from:


Base 1

-Payment must be made through Paypal
-PSD file [Compatible with SAI/FireAlpaca too]
-Ready color layer[s]
-No refunds [I'm not responsible for it, if you use my bases in other software than PSD,SAI or FireAlpaca, you still have a base file and you can use it earlier or later ]
-No e-checks

-You can use these bases to make adoptables or personal characters, how you like.
-You can edit them so much you want.
-Main thing is that you purchase base only for yourself to use, but you can also buy it as a gift for your friend, but in that case you have to make sure you purchase base just for your friend. If both you and your friend wanna use base, you must make purchase twice to get rights to use this base for both.
-Credit me always,when you use these bases,thank you

If you have any problems with downloading this file
please, contact me in FA